It complies with TS EN 13566 standard.
Public Works Item No: 04.480
Area of Use:
It is used for bonding thermal insulation materials such as rock wool etc.
Easy to apply.
It has a long working time.
It is durable and long-lasting.
It is resistant to water, humidity and frost.
Provides excellent adhesion.
It has high strength.
Technical Specifications:
Appearance: Gray Color Powder
Dry Unit Weight: 1.5 ± 0.2 kg/m³
Application Temperature: +5ºC to +35ºC
Water Mixing Ratio: 5.5-6.5 Liters/Bag
Pot Life: 1-2 hours
Working Time: 20-30 minutes
Drying Time: 24 Hours
Sieve Analysis: Max 1.00% (over 1 mm)
Adhesion Strength to Substrate: ≥ 0.5 N/mm²
Adhesion Strength to Thermal Insulation Plate: ≥ 0.08 N/mm²
Compressive Strength: ≥ 10 N/mm²
Flexural Strength: ≥ 3 N/mm²
Water Absorption(30 minutes): ≤ 5 gr
Water Absorption (240 minutes): ≤ 10 g
Fire Response: A1
Temperature Resistance: -25ºC to +80ºC
The above values are given for +23 ºC and 50% relative humidity .
Pre-Application Preparation:
Care must be taken to ensure that the application surface is cured and solid.
The application surface must be cleared of substances that prevent adhesion such as dust, oil and paint.
Adhesive application should be started at least 28 days after the lower plaster layer or rough plaster is applied.
In order to make old painted surfaces suitable for adhesion, they must be notched and dust-proof.
Sub-surfaces such as cracked plasters and weak surfaces should be cleaned from the application surface.
Floors requiring repair should be repaired with suitable repair mortars at least 3-4 days before applying the adhesive.
If the sill lengths are not sufficient for the cladding made in old buildings, a sill profile should be used to protect the system. The sill profiles should be bonded to the bottom of the old sill with polyurethane mastic or silicone. This profile application should be done before starting the cladding application.
Before application, the application surface should be wetted and care should be taken to keep it moist.
If the surface is very absorbent, it is recommended to use a primer on the surface.
25 kg of Polyfix RW4 , Thermal Insulation Board Adhesive Mortar is poured into a container filled with approximately 5.5-6.5 liters of water and mixed with a low-speed mixer or trowel until a lump-free mixture is obtained.
During the mixing process, no additives should be added that are not specified in the application instructions.
The prepared mortar should be left to mature for 3-5 minutes and then mixed for another 1-2 minutes until it becomes homogeneous.
The mixture in the container should be consumed within 1-2 hours.
Adhesive is applied with a mortar trowel in the form of a 4-5 cm strip along the edges of the bonding surfaces of the thermal insulation boards and in a dotted manner to the middle parts of the boards.
The adhesive must have contacted a minimum of 40% of the board.
Bonding can be done on smooth surfaces by using the notching method with a 10x10 notched steel trowel.
In rockwool applications, a thin layer of adhesive should be applied to the board edges and cluster points to ensure the lining of the board. After this process, standard adhesive is applied.
The thermal insulation boards are arranged in such a way that they touch each other by placing them on the basement profile at the bottom with light pressure on the surface to be applied, from bottom to top. The joints of the insulation boards should not overlap, the boards should be placed in a staggered manner. Bonding is done by pressing with the help of a gauge in a way that a smooth surface is created. The adhesive should not be applied to the side surfaces of the boards or should not be overflowed. There should be no gaps between the boards, in case there are gaps, these gaps should definitely be closed with a material of appropriate thickness to be cut from the same board.
The joint point of two panels should not be placed on the points corresponding to door-window edges, column-beam joints and beam floor transitions. These types of points where plaster cracks occur more should be covered with a single piece panel.
Especially on door and window edges, the L-shaped cut sheet should be applied to the corner detail.
At the corners of the buildings, the edges of the boards coming from different directions should be applied in a staggered manner. At the corners of the building, the boards are placed flush to the edge in the first row. The board in the row above is left as long as the thickness of the board used in the corner. During the bonding of the board to be left with a margin, the adhesive is applied from the inside as much as the distance left and the board is bonded to the surface in this way. In this way, the boards are locked at the corners of the building, work as a single piece and the risk of possible cracking is minimized.
The appropriate type and size of dowel should be selected according to the application surface and board thickness.
The mechanical attachment process with dowels should be started at least 24 hours after the bonding process. In details that cannot wait 24 hours (ceiling, oval surface, etc.), dowel application can be done immediately after the board is bonded.
For all surfaces; in buildings with a height of 0-8 meters, dowels should be applied in a quantity of 6 per square meter, 1 to each joint of the boards and 2 to the middle of each board. Due to the increasing wind load depending on the height, 2 additional dowels should be applied to the board edges corresponding to the corners of the building between 8-20 meters high, and 3 additional dowels after 20 meters high.
Dowel heads should be embedded into the insulation board in a way that they do not bulge in the plaster. Dowels should be installed 10-15 cm inside the edges and corners of the structure.
While placing the boards in place, the adhesive on the surface of the boards should be prevented from drying and forming a film layer.
In Polyfix RW4 application, if the ambient and surface temperature is not between +5ºC and +35ºC, suitable temperatures should be waited. Also, application should not be done in extremely hot, rainy or windy weather.
In exterior surface applications, the coated surface must be protected from excessive sunlight, wind, frost or rain for the first 24 hours.
Working and reaction times of cement-based systems are affected by ambient and ground temperature and relative humidity in the air.
Never add water or new material to the Polyfix RW4 mixture that has started to dry .
Polyfix RW4 should never be used as plaster.
After application, the tools and equipment used should be cleaned with water. Once the mortar has hardened, it can only be cleaned mechanically from the surface.