It complies with TS 13687, TS EN 13499 standards.
Public Works Item No: 04.481
Area of Use:
Indoors and outdoors,
In sheathing works, plastering of thermal insulation materials such as XPS, EPS, rock wool etc.
It is used for plastering reinforced concrete surfaces before painting.
Easy to apply.
It has a long working time.
It is durable and long-lasting.
It is resistant to water, humidity and frost.
It is not affected by temperature changes.
Provides excellent adhesion.
It has high strength.
Fiber reinforcement minimizes superficial cracking.
Allows diffusion of water vapor.
Technical Specifications:
Appearance: Gray Color Powder
Dry Unit Weight: 1.5 ± 0.2 kg/m³
Wet Unit Weight: 1.6 ± 0.2 kg/m³
Application Temperature: +5ºC to +35ºC
Water Mixing Ratio: 5.5-6.5 Liters/Bag
Pot Life: 1-2 hours
Working Time: 15-20 minutes
Flexibility: High
Adhesion Strength to Thermal Insulation Plate: ≥ 0.08 N/mm²
Compressive Strength: ≥ 6 N/mm²
Flexural Strength: ≥ 2 N/mm²
Temperature Resistance: -25ºC to +80ºC
The above values are given for +23 ºC and 50% relative humidity.
Pre-Application Preparation:
In order to apply Polymax M5 Thermal Insulation Board Plaster, the boards must be firmly bonded and doweled to the surface. The boards must not flex with wind load.
To protect the system against possible mechanical damage at the upper edges of building openings such as windows and doors and at the lower edges of building projections, drip profiles should be used to ensure that water flowing from the facade flows directly downwards without leaking towards the door and window centres and under the projections and to ensure smoothness of the plaster layer.
After applying plaster equal to the profile width to the application surface, the drip profile is placed on its scale. If a mesh drip profile is used, a 10 cm overlap should be made at the joints of the profile mesh and the reinforcement mesh.
Building corners, window and door edges are the areas most exposed to mechanical stress. PVC or aluminum corner profiles should be used to protect these areas and obtain smooth edges and corners. Since these areas are also areas with a high risk of cracking, it is recommended to use mesh corner profiles. Corner profiles should be placed on the insulation boards together with the mesh plaster application in a way that they will touch the entire surface. In case of using mesh PVC corner profiles, a 10 cm overlap should be made at the joints of the profile mesh and the reinforcement mesh.
If an aluminum corner profile is used, the reinforcement mesh on the facade should be applied at least 20 cm around the corner from the bottom of the profile. The reinforcement mesh applied to the entire surface should overlap this application by at least 10 cm.
Before applying the heat insulation board plaster, the heat insulation boards must be firmly glued and doweled to the surface. The boards must not flex with wind load. The board surfaces must be dust-free and clean.
25 kg of Polymax M5 Thermal Insulation Board Plaster is poured into a container filled with approximately 5.5-6.5 liters of water and mixed with a low-speed mixer or trowel until a lump-free mixture is obtained.
During the mixing process, no additives should be added that are not specified in the application instructions.
The prepared mortar should be left to mature for 3-5 minutes and then mixed for 1-2 minutes until it becomes homogeneous.
The mixture in the container should be consumed within 1-2 hours.
The first layer of plaster is applied with a steel trowel as 2.5-3.0 mm on the prepared mortar thermal insulation boards. Allmax reinforcement mesh should be placed from top to bottom, by pressing and stretching thoroughly, without folding, and at an equal distance from the insulation board to the entire surface but close to the exterior before the thermal insulation plaster dries. While the direction of the 10 cm overlap is not important when applying the mesh from left to right or right to left, in applications proceeding from top to bottom, the upper mesh should always overlap the lower mesh by at least 10 cm at the joints.
In addition, at such points where plaster cracks occur more frequently, such as door-window edges, column-beam joints and beam floor transitions, the reinforcement mesh should be rotated at least 20 cm and reinforced with cross reinforcement mesh.
After the first layer of plaster has slightly lost its water, the second layer is applied with a steel trowel as 1.0-1.5 mm before it dries. 2/3 of the plaster should be under the mesh and 1/3 should be on the mesh. The plaster to be applied on the thermal insulation boards should be a minimum of 3 mm and a maximum of 4 mm thick.
In addition, as a second alternative, heat insulation plaster can be applied with a 10x10 mm notched trowel in a single layer of 4 mm thickness. At the joints of the system reinforcement mesh, overlapping each other by 10 cm, the plaster is pressed 1.0-1.5 mm with the trowel before it dries, close to the exterior facade, and the plaster surface is smoothed. Window and door corners should again be reinforced with cross reinforcement mesh.
In cases where it is necessary to take a break from the application, it should be continued by overlapping the mesh by 15 cm. Therefore, the person who takes a break from the work should not apply plaster to the 15 cm mesh section that he/she will add.
In exterior facade details with joints, after applying plaster mortar equal to the width of the profile under the joint profile, the joint profile should be placed in the joints opened on the board. During placement, care should be taken to ensure that the profile is level and square at the corners. If a meshed joint profile is used, a 10 cm overlap should be made at the joints of the profile mesh and the reinforcement mesh.
If the ambient and surface temperature of the application is not between +5ºC and +35ºC, suitable temperatures should be waited. Also, application should not be done in extremely hot, rainy or windy weather.
Working and reaction times of cement-based systems are affected by ambient and ground temperature and relative humidity in the air.
Water and new material should never be added to the Polymax M5 mixture that has started to dry .
In exterior surface applications, the coated surface must be protected from excessive sunlight, wind, frost or rain for the first 24 hours.
After the application of heat insulation plaster, the surface should be painted or coated without getting excessive moisture, humidity and rain. Otherwise, whitening problems may occur in the final coat and/or paint applications.
In applications made thicker than the recommended application thickness, cracking may occur as the mesh cannot be applied equally to the entire surface and close to the exterior due to the regionally increased plaster thickness.
In the application of Polymax M5 Thermal Insulation Board Plaster, Allmax Reinforcement Mesh with high alkali and tensile strength should be used.
Nets that do not comply with the standards may cause cracks in the application as they cannot withstand the tensile stresses that will occur in the plaster.
Any application to be made on the plastered surface should be made only after the plaster has completely dried and the plaster surface has become most durable, that is, after 3-7 days depending on the air temperature. Cracking may occur in applications made on plaster that has not completely lost its water.